Why is A1FILO unique?
A1FILO is the next generation of data protection products and it belongs to a category of its own, called Data Breach Prevention (DBP). A1FILO is the first product in the market to protect data “in use”, in addition to protecting data “at rest” and “in transit”.
A1FILO installs on authorized endpoint device(s) within an enterprise, and it protects data under the assumptions of Malicious Insiders (Users), Compromised /Lost /Stolen Devices and the presence of Adversaries stealing network traffic. No other product in the market today can claim and prove such security. Any product that makes the unverifiable assumptions of trustworthy users, devices or networks risks failure if these assumptions are false.
Our “Technology” page highlights how A1FILO is technologically unique.
For Organizations:
A1FILO protects data regardless of the application and file format (jpeg, pdf, xlsx, mpeg), making A1FILO different than IRM and both backward and forward compatible with unmodified legacy applications and applications that have not been written yet. Imagine a closed-source legacy application used by your organization, built years ago, by a vendor that no longer supports the application. A1FILO can protect data of such an application without requiring any modifications to the application itself. In an environment where upgrading applications is costly both in terms of time and money, A1FILO fits seamlessly into your organization’s IT strategy to save resources, leading to a high ROI.
Since attackers are modifying their behaviors and tools, DLP products that are detecting behavior, classifying data or doing other heuristics are destined to fail, because they are trying to detect behavior and tools that by definition would be modified by a competent attacker on every attack campaign. For this reason, A1FILO is not DLP, is strictly algorithmic rather than heuristic and cannot be bypassed by Steganography, novel attacker behavior or attack tools.
Regardless of the size of your organization, A1FILO provides peace of mind that your organization’s sensitive data (Classified at-all-levels, Intellectual Property, Trade Secrets, Financial Data, Correspondences, Customer Information etc.) can be safely stored and shared via mechanisms common to enterprise environments today, such as File Servers, USB drives, email attachments, cloud drives, FTP etc. A1FILO offers large savings to your organization while still maintaining data confidentiality.
For IT Administrators:
Enforced by hardware and math, for the first time, IT administrators can now control WWW:
- WHO can open,
- WHAT data, and
- WHICH specific device(s) the data can be opened on.
Don’t Fully Trust Your Cloud Provider? A1FILO Can Help.
Your valuable data residing in the cloud may be encrypted in transmission between “you and your cloud provider”, but how do you manage encryption on the files at rest? Clouds can be breached and cloud providers might not be fully trusted. Files can be seamlessly protected by A1FILO, stored in the cloud, and used just as easily as they are used today.
See our “Technology” page for a closer look at how your data can be protected at all times with A1FILO.