“Good Cybersecurity Doesn’t Try to Prevent Every Attack”, Harvard Business Review by Greg Bell

A1Logic’s response to the above title:   The above statement matches our approach to data security. It is not practical to timely protect your data against every attack vector. A1FILO algorithmically protects data against constantly changing attack patterns.

“If the end game is preventing something bad from happening, companies typically waste time and money on futile attempts to build an impenetrable wall of systems. Even if it was possible to build a wall that’s 100% secure, it wouldn’t begin to protect the rapidly growing amount of sensitive data that flows outside the firewall through devices and systems beyond the company’s direct control.”

A1Logic’s response to the above statement:   The industry’s first; A1FILO offers IT administrators control over WHO opens WHAT data and on WHICH device. It enforces this control in hardware and math.

Prepare to Be Breached

“Once the key risks to the organization’s “crown jewels” and business processes are identified, it’s important to make informed, fiscally responsible judgments about which can be fixed and which can be monitored closely on a continuous basis. While it’s painful to think about, chances are your defenses will be breached at some point, and it’s best to have a plan in place for when such breaches are discovered.”

A1Logic’s response to the above statement:  “An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of Cure”…Benjamin Franklin. In the data security space, this phrase gets its real shape and dimensions only after identifying today’s cyber threats. With the presence of advanced stealthy malware, exploits and unpredictable human behavior pattern, we have to assume the following:

  1. The organization already has or will have malicious insiders (users) who will find ways of stealing data in spite of the organization’s security policies.
  2. The organization’s computing devices are already infected with malware and mobile devices will be lost or stolen. This risk is more prevalent in the current (BYOD) Bring Your Own Device trend.
  3. The adversaries are already residing in the organization’s network and are stealing the data traffic.

The trustworthiness of a User, Device and Network is neither provable nor quantifiable. Current security products fail because they assume trust in the User, Host and Network. A1FILO protects the organization’s data under all 3 of the above realistic assumptions.

Posted On : 2016/11/02
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